Friday, July 24, 2009

What I want my farm to be!

In my imagination this is what I want my future farm to be like... lets start with 100 acres to make the math easy. On 1 acre I want to have my house, greenhouse, and my husband's dream shop. On 5 acres I want a huge veggie/fruit garden surrounded by a strip of various flowers (gotta have those pollinators and make them happy). I will need a lot of help with this garden because as of right now I can't even get a stupid tomato plant to grow!!!! That's where you come in!

On the next five acres will be an apple orchard with a few beehives...again pollinators. I would like to grow these organically so I need your advice on pest control methods.

Approximately 25 acres would be dedicated to my dream horse barn and pastures. This is purely because I love horses. I riding ring would be included so that I could make money on boarding and lessons. This acreage is also where I would raise a few cows for the family as well as guinea fowl for ticks and chickens for eggs. I would probably throw in a couple of goats for pasture maintenance.

On another 25 acres I would like to grow bamboo. From my research it appears to be an easy crop to grow, it is a nice green product, and it doesn't take lots of money to start. Major problem I have run into is who do you sell it to??? Any ideas people???

Finally the remainder of my farm would be dedicated to natural woods for the wildlife and to give us a place to go hiking or horse-back riding.

Yes all of this is a dream farm ...not totally realistic at this point in my life...unless someone has an extra million dollars they want to give me...just kidding! :) Either way the point is how everything on the farm has a purpose and everything ties together. Throw in some windmills and solar panels and the picture is complete. Do any of your farms look like my dream farm? If so did ya get there???

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